
The Society of the Cincinatti

The Society of the Cincinatti is an historic organization of descendants of American Revolutionary War participants. The Society prints a member’s directory classifying its roster of members by constituents societies, geographical location necrology and other criteria, and identifying individual members and their predecessors by address, title and attributes such as military honors received. All of this data is consolidated into an intricate directory of several hundred pages where members often appear in multiple chapters according to classification.
For this project CPS executed both page layout and printing. To save time and ensure accuracy of the printed piece, a bespoke database was created to receive the detailed information provided by The Society. Using XML markup language, a series of sorting rules were encoded to classify the data into the various categories and create unique XML files for each chapter. At the same time, master pages and paragraph styles were created in Adobe Indesign and tagged to the corresponding XML file name. By then importing the presorted data as XML code instead of text, typeface styling, the page layout was almost completely automated, avoiding what would otherwise require countless hours of tedious text styling, insertion of paragraph breaks and editing by hand.
Client: The Society of the Cincinatti

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