The need for new cooling techniques is driven by the continuing increases in power dissipation of electronic parts and systems.Poor thermal management leads to more than 50% of electronic failures. The failure rate for electronics increases exponentially with the increase in junction temperature. Specifically, the failure rate of an electronic device doubles with every 10°C increase in chip junction temperature. The ability to transfer and dissipate heat generated at the chip level directly affects the system's reliability.
In many instances standard techniques cannot achieve the required cooling performance due to physical limitations in heat transfer capabilities. These limitations are principally related to the limited thermal conductivity of air for convection and copper for conduction. Thermal Gap Filler Pad is designed to be used in the applications that require the minimum amount of pressure on components and moderate thermal conductivity.
AOK technolgoies supplies Thermally Conductive pads and gaskets in standard and made-to-drawing configurations from a variety of Gap Filling products.