
Shopping for computers

Some buyers also look for discounts. Shopping for computers with price discounts has become popular, especially during the tough economic times. When people tightened their budgets, computer stores also lowered their prices, just as all the other stores did. Companies have continued to offer discounts up to today. Clever buyers may come across tigerdirect coupon codes, for instance. However, not all are persistent enough to find coupons on the internet. Many don’t even know these coupons exist.

If you are looking for a cheap or discounted computer, examine it first. For online buyers, at least know if the item is new, pre-owned, or refurbished. Hardly any seller would sell a new item for half the price. Remember that! If the item has been used, find out how long the previous user has used the item. It would also be useful if the user can provide several pictures of the item.
One thing to watch out about used or second-hand computers is defects. Often, the money you would spend on having the used item repaired adds up to the overall cost of the unit, which in several cases goes higher than the price of the new unit. This experience has caused distress among unwary buyers. Those who buy pre-owned computers should examine the units. Before getting a unit, ask the seller if you can return the item if it’s defective.

Find cheap comuter

Consumers a few years back report that it was difficult to find cheap computers. However, these devices age fast, and models are quickly replaced by new ones. Buyers also come up with a new desktop or notebook in one or two years—and they often sell their several-month old computers. One can agree that the price of computers is rapidly declining as technology improves and new gadgets are being created. Newer computers with better specs push down the prices of even one-year old desktops and notebooks.

Many buyers do not even consider looking for discounted computers. Some delay buying for several months to wait for the prices of chosen models to go down. Most computer buyers do not actually need high specs offered by high end or new models. Those who can settle for laptops or desktop PC’s with reasonable specifications are usually happy with their purchase. Anyway, any good computer can last long enough as long as used properly.

Do not go overboard though.

1. You can cite testimonials.
You can use those positive testimonials that your previous clients have told you or written you about. This will be more effective if a known person will testify as to how effective your product is or how good the people are in your company.

Do not go overboard though. Do not invent the words for the sake of the ad. You still have to be true and sincere.

2. You can use endorsements.
This will require an additional cost. But if you’ve got the right person to commend your products to your target market, then by all means, do so. You can get a celebrity, a known individual and an expert in your field.

3. Be proud of your awards.
Not all companies may have these. So if you have a lot, especially from credible award giving bodies that have something to do with the industry, then use such tool. This will play an important role in convincing your clients.
4. Business background
Are you affiliated with any larger companies? Or maybe you have been in the business for so many years already. Or you may also be part of a group of renowned businesses. You can boast all those to the people who will be getting your ads.

Support Yourself

If you desire to be a full-time writer, first make sure you can support yourself by writing or other means until you are established. If you support yourself by other means, make sure those means allow time and energy for you to perfect your writing craft. If you plan to market an historical novel, make sure you understand the time and effort involved in marketing your work.

To grow as a writer, start small and work your way up to more complex ideas. The great thing about writing is that you continue to improve in style and technique while you continue to grow in knowledge of about any topic or field that interests you.

You also continually discover and reinvent yourself. You attempt projects you never thought you would. You find that your former limits were only in your imagination. You are a successful writer at whatever stage you find yourself if you are putting ideas on paper and discover that people understand what you are expressing.

Enter into it with your eyes open and be aware of the risks. But go into it. Follow your dreams and doubt your fears.

Publishing Your Work

Publishing Your Work – The pessimists would say, “There is already a flood of information out there. There is no way to have your voice heard.”

Realistically, there are more opportunities to publish your work than there ever has been. On the Internet, you can write an article this morning and see it in print this afternoon. It is easy to find a plethora of article submission directories in every genre and interest. There are still trade journals, newspapers, letters to the editor, publications for local, state, national and international organizations. If people were not reading this information, there would not be so much effort for the publishers to get it out there.

Reaching Your Audience - Listen to people. This will not only offer you writing material. It will give you clues about peoples’ interests. You will get verbal feedback on your writing. Check your writing statistics on your published Internet articles. Do you receive comments about your writing?

Considering the Type of Lifestyle you Hope to Achieve – Obviously, if you want to be a writer, you should imagine and investigate the type of life style writing affords. Maybe you never want to go beyond the hobby phase in which you dabble with writing every now and then. Perhaps you would like to make a living from your marketing skills. The demand for Internet marketers grows exponentially each year.

what aer your writing goals?

What are your goals? Do you want to entertain others through your writing? In this age of Internet marketing for fun and profit, do you want to sell products or optimize search engines. Do you want to convey news, challenge perspectives, write the American novel, or win the Pulitzer Prize for literature?

These goals might or might not be realistic, but you will never know until you put the pen to paper and perfect your abilities to observe, feel, imagine and communicate. You have to learn to understand before ever attempting to cause others to understand. When do you reach your goals? It isn’t over until it’s over. Never stop reaching for higher goals.

Although not exhaustive or all-inclusive, some writing goals to consider are: Finding your voice; Establishing your genre; Publishing your work; Reaching your audience; and, Considering the type of life style you hope to achieve.
Finding Your Voice – What interests you? What do you spend your spare time reading, observing or following?

Although writers, in the short term, must often write about topics that are of little of no interest to them personally, they find ways to make the topic interesting to the reader. For the long term, begin keeping files of your interests. Take an inventory of the books your read. What is your passion?

4 color catalog printing

Every business that sells goods or services benefits from having a full color catalog, brochure, postcard, letter head, poster and business card printing done by an expert printing firm. The end result of a catalog printed provides a tactile experience that can't be matched by other browsing mediums.
 Let your customers sit back in their favorite easy chair and relax with a copy of a gorgeous, full color catalog or magazine describing your products. Take their breath away with vivid full color process images and rich sharp text.
Full color catalog printing creates a look that can't be matched by lesser print reproduction methods. Don't be swayed by the claims of digital color copy salesman, our 4 color catalog printing is the best choice for magnificent color reproduction . Your products and services deserve to be displayed in the best possible manner and our full color catalog printing ensures that they are.
Ad-Graphics can even help you target your customer directly by mailing your catalog, postcard and brochure directly to their home or business. End the drudgery of hand addressing, labeling, or stamping your mailers by utilizing our unique mix of automated mailing equipment. Let us process and CASS certify your mailing list, and then inkjet address and mail your catalog or post card. We have all the equipment and experience to make your direct mail campaign a succes
One day ground shipping to Portland, and Seattle metropolitan area. welcome to visit us : http://chinaprinting-image.com/

We design solutions.

We design solutions. Our work delivers your ideas to your target audience and maximizes your dollar spent. From advertisements to educational materials, we help you avoid common mistakes that impair the effectiveness of any type of print communication. Our attention to detail ensures that your finished product is accurate, of the highest quality, and delivered on schedule.

Have you designed your own materials in the past but always felt something was lacking in your presentation? We can also refine your current designs for even better results.
Need a quote on a graphic design job?


Differentiating Between Critical Publishing Dates

When working with a publisher, to avoid confusion it is important to understand the difference between three critical dates for a book; the Bound Book Date, the Ship Date and the Publication Date (more commonly known as the Pub Date).

The Bound Book date refers to when the book comes off the printing press.

The Ship Date refers to when the publisher releases backorders and ships to bookstore accounts and wholesalers.

The Pub Date is when the book is actively marketed to consumers. The Pub Date determines media appearances, advertising or in-store display promotions.

Typically, the time between the Bound Book date and the Pub Date is between four to six weeks to allow time to prepare marketing efforts.

If you enjoyed reading this, please forward the URL to colleagues who might also enjoy it, http://chinaprinting-image.com/

A new methodology Bowker

R.R. Bowker issued their annual statistics on new books published: 291,920 for 2006. That's an increase of 120,000 over 20o5's figures.

The huge increase is the result of a new methodology Bowker used to calculate the figure.

Whether one believes the new figure or not, there is no doubt that many new books are published each year. This represents a great opportunity for book printers. It also reinforces the competitive challenge faced by any new author looking to break into the industry.

Are Book Publishers Going the Way of the Railroads?

Over 72% of publishers surveyed on the impact of digitization on book publishing by the Frankfurt Book Fair and the German trade magazine Buchreport said the development of new business models, new multimedia products and effective marketing strategies are the biggest challenges facing publishers as they transition from print to digital.

Duh! The publishers are slow to react to the changing customer demands.

The publisher’s lateness to the party reminds me of the train industry’s reaction to the airplane. Railroad companies ignored the airplane until it was too late, and air travel replaced the railroads for passenger travel and some forms of shipping.

The railroad companies realized too late that they were in the transportation business, not the railroad business. If railroad companies had realized this earlier, we would have had Union Pacific Airlines and Burlington Northern Airlines instead of American Airlines and United Airlines.

The book publishers are in the information business, not the book business. If they had realized this earlier on, they would have made the transition to e-books and other digital forms of communication more easily. Instead, they find themselves wringing their hands and searching for new business models to catch up to consumers’ demands that have already passed them by.


The average print-on-demand book sells 75 copies, according to Penny Sansevieri, CEO of A Marketing Expert http://www.bookprinting-china.com.

Print-on-Demand is a manufacturing process. There are circumstances when Print-on-Demand makes sense as a publishing strategy—at the beginning or end of a book's life cycle or as a bridge between print runs when a book's demand exceeds expectations. For most, however, selling 75, or fewer, copies of a book is unacceptable because most authors want their message to reach a wider audience.

Ten Tips To Maximize Cash in an Uncertain Economy

1) Start with the end in mind.
Understand how you will sell your book before you sell it. Have a sales plan and stick to it. Selling will be the number one problem in 2009. Clearly identify why anyone should buy your book. Distribution channel expansion is your number one job.

2) Know how to keep score.
What criteria will determine success or failure for your book? Focus more on profitability than sales growth.

3) Analyze your Balance Sheet.
The balance sheet is more important than the income statement during difficult times. Carefully manage your cash, inventory, Accounts Receivable, cash advances to authors and returns. Understand the hidden costs of the business—write-offs. Specifically, manage your inventory write-offs, your returns reserve write-offs and your royalty advance write-offs.

4) Print Fewer Copies.
Inventory is the number one expense for publishers. Print fewer books to keep inventory costs down.

5) Forecast Better; Print Smarter.
Be more conservative when forecasting how many books to print. Base your forecasting on sales of similar books. Package your books better before printing. Better packaging will help save printing costs. You will never fix a book after it's printed.

6) Reprint Smarter.
The hardest print run to forecast is the last one. It is inevitable that there will be books left over. Use Print-on=Demand technology to manage the print runs at the front end and the back end of a book's life cycle.

7) Ask for Terms.
Typically vendors pay accounts receivable in between 105-120 days. Demand faster payment. Ask your suppliers for terms—60 to 90 days. Suppliers may not agree on the first request. Keep asking. It may take up to 10 times before they agree. The, if they do agree, pay promptly on the 60th or 90th day.

8) Ship Fewer Books; Manage Returns.
Ship 60%-80% of what a vendor orders—based on return rates. For most publishers, returns are running around 35% of books shipped. Shipping fewer books may actually make you more money!

9) Collect What You Are Owed.
Control your accounts receivable. Run aging reports monthly. Alter payment terms to various vendors if they are slow to pay you.

10) Manage Your Marketing Budget.
During tough times, you'll read many consultants advising publishers to trim marketing budgets. If you've done a good job of forecasting (step 5), then you'll only need to manage your marketing budget, not reduce it.

The Death Of TheBook Industry

David Streitfeld writes in the Sunday, December 28, 2008 NEW YORK TIMES, about the death of the book industry. In an article titled, Bargain Hunting, and Feeling Sheepish About it, Streitfeld notes the effect of online web sites on profit margin erosion for bookstores, publishers and authors. He writes of his experience buying ROOM FOR DOUBT for 25¢ on the Internet. He claims the book retails for $13.95 plus tax in a conventional bookstore.

While the article may be hyperbole  , authors and publishers should note the trend of online book retailing and its effect on book marketing and distribution.
Kaya en Levi
http://www.bookprinting-china.com You must see this video from France on the future of the book. It shows some pretty interesting ideas of what that future might be.I'm not sure I agree with the idea that traditional books will become simply objets d'art.
They say there's nothing new under the sun. Compare the French book video to one done by Apple Computer in 1987 (22 years earlier) on the future of the computer. See any similarities?https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgP4AbgvDRT3aqadEJrWtydTZUDDGBESZZYB-JkKdIXGgkbMLbh_YHQCxdWEbFb-0e6FqfdyGhiDSk5BWsC44R97ozBtBrMY4Sm8DTRaVsP0G_jZ6rup6af_eECGNwTKqVyWAuI-FT9Eks/s200/P1070420.JPG

Closer Examination

On closer examination, and with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, the slow down in book purchases (which should have increased, or at least stayed flat, as people cocooned in their homes) was caused by traditional publishers inability from 1999 to 2008 to provide new, compelling titles. Small publishers poorly informed readers of exciting titles traditional publishers were not providing. And the brick and mortar retailers made the business decision to offer less shelf space to all but the top selling titles. All this forced consumers from 1999 to 2008 to spend money on an increasingly limited set of titles—driving up prices and alienating readers.

Out of chaos comes opportunity. There has never been a better time to publish compelling titles that readers want.

The Situation Of Printing

In the 20th Century, the American book market grew to be the world’s largest (with over 33% of total books sold) because of superior titles. From Fitzgerald and Hemingway to Kerouac to Tom Peters, publishers produced new titles so compelling that readers had to have them. In the decade of the 2000s, however, more and more books were published (thanks to POD and short-run, digital printing) and quality was negatively impacted. In 2008, over 400,000 new titles were introduced—many of them were not well written or properly vetted. The same hard cover book that sold for $19.95 in 1999 cost $29.95 in 2008, yet the production value and the content were worse than 1999.

When readers rebelled in 2008 and 2009 against paying more for the same or less quality product, publishers were forced to cut costs. Publishers worldwide laid off hundreds of employees and blamed it on the recession.

Book Publishing

Over 72% of publishers surveyed on the impact of digitization on book publishing by the Frankfurt Book Fair and the German trade magazine Buchreport said the development of new business models, new multimedia products and effective marketing strategies are the biggest challenges facing publishers as they transition from print to digital.

Duh! The publishers are slow to react to the changing customer demands.

The publisher’s lateness to the party reminds me of the train industry’s reaction to the airplane. Railroad companies ignored the airplane until it was too late, and air travel replaced the railroads for passenger travel and some forms of shipping.

The railroad companies realized too late that they were in the transportation business, not the railroad business. If railroad companies had realized this earlier, we would have had Union Pacific Airlines and Burlington Northern Airlines instead of American Airlines and United Airlines.


Detailed Softcover Wire-O Binding

Detailed Softcover Wire-O Binding Notepad Printing Jobs Specifications
1. Cover: 230gsm single side coated art card with printing 4c/0c plus lamination, foil stamping and embossing etc also available
2. Size: A5, A6 or others, portrait or landscape format
3. Inner page:70gsm acid free uncoated wood free paper, 8mm ruled, 1+1c black lined
4. Sheets: 70
5. Binding: wire-o binding, softcover
6. Packing: one poly bag each, standard export packing as per customers' requirements
Above is a typical softcover wire-o binding notepad printing job's specifications. The cover can be replaced by other materials, but any way heavy stock card is better. The size is flexible, we are available to custom sizes, but we recommend economical sizes based on customers' specific requirements. Inner pages could be 70gsm, 80gsm, 100gsm, 120gsm uncoated wood free paper for writing. It is workable to print the colors on text pages, of course, nothing color just with blank is workable. If you would like to take the pad frequently, so then the pad should be not too heavy, and the size should be not too big.
Typical Softcover Notepad Printing Show
Softcover Notepad Printing

Notepad Printing

Notepad Printing Services 45Description:
Notepad Printing (1) Softcover, wire-o binding. (2) Heavy leatherette paper as cover with silver foil stamping. (3) 100gsm wood free paper with 1c printing.

UV and non-mainstream version of the general PS

UV and non-mainstream version of the general PSUse UV PS version of the CTP and the general way of Germany BasysPrint company UVSetter, the main selling point is the work environment is very open, as the proofing room; second plate with a high sensitivity to the PS version; third the machine is XY-axis exposure, there is no turning components, better maintenance. Most prominent feature is a massive mirror, with many small cover open mechanism, identify and control the formation of the core. It is still negative for the film version Stamped appropriate, because you can have stamped at the exact exposure of the region do not stamped or without fast-moving part to save the exposure time. This advanced concept of using traditional materials, should be able to save costs, but expensive machine, now people buy too much, is still non-mainstream sectors.
non-mainstream ribbon thermal imagingRibbon thermal imaging CTP, MAN Roland DicoWeb Only in this way in the use of, believe that other manufacturers will reference the reusable, non-photosensitive, heat-sensitive layer coating, only sensible heat stamped with the material forming this to reduce the number of supplies, environmental protection is also very beneficial, but the amount of anti-Indian remains to be done to improve.
non-mainstream platform-sensitiveSmall CTP, they use a platform-type light-sensitive, but the light source and the third block above the XY axis are moving in different ways, but the printed version of the X-axis, Y axis from the light source to one side to the other side to do the linear scan , with the X-axis to form light-sensitive surface, fewer moving parts.

 non-mainstream inkjet imagingInkjet CTP in two ways: one is directly oily ink-jet imaging on a blank plate, cheap and easy way, the amount of resistance in India, of the 20,000; other is sprayed on in a positive PS plate chip The shading method, the film is mainly free, but still re-spraying stamped exposure and development, all the conditions such as traditional printing PS plate, such as the 600dpi inkjet still can only do rough work, use more than 1200X1200dpi is very available, If the dots to 1800dpi very fine used, this is the future development potential of the CTP cheaper way.


As technology advances and market maturity, thermal and thermal CTP plate by virtue of its strong advantages, will lead the farewell plate darkroom, digital guide to green printing the printing industry, and the user will eventually put CTP as its 
on the entire printing process must be an integral part.
CTP output machines are within the mainstream of drum machine, drum machine outside the points, so the platform type is non-mainstream; to plate imaging light, mainstream red felt, a sense of green, blue-violet light and other visible sense, and 830nm, 
1064nm infrared, which are not visible, while others are non-mainstream way.

1. thermal non-mainstreamIn the thermal output has more non-mainstream, including A) the only red warm-up version; B) phase-change-free wash; C) levels without thermal plates in three ways.Mainstream approach is direct thermal mode red version, but free version is a direct red warm-up pick up the banner of the thermal method. Thermal non-mainstream output (A) the only red version of the warm-up mode. Thermal method to be warm, it is a thermal CTP plate mainstream, but must be sensitive, the version before the heat into the red, so have a role to the thermal part of the photosensitive layer from the surface to the bottom level of catalytic formation of a chain reaction, top-down complete with fully stamped the role of the Ministry of bridge resin. This approach seems a bit outdated, from mainstream to the mainstream format, but its greatest advantage is the exposure of negative film type, a light-sensitive part of the only natural way to form a stamped, so the long version is still used in commercial and newspaper web offset printing flat printer, it can only stamped to form the Ministry of exposure, while the version and edition of the mouth is not the end of the exposure areas, the smaller, faster, the other negative film type thermal version and re-exposure bake can be produced by printing grain hardening, stingy amount of anti-Indian, in the extremely long printing twenty plates, such as baking can increase the anti-Indian four hundred thousand copies, a large number of publishing and the newspaper have a positive effect. Although it is troublesome, but also affect the conditions of heat transfer and dot reproduction version, but the newspaper asked 1200dpi, slightly swollen network effect is not large, so the thermal heating and then after washing the old way, though not the mainstream version of thermal , but because of sensitive and resistant to negative film printed reasons in this regard will be continued with a very long time. Thermal non-mainstream output (B) phase-change thermal red-free version. Phase-change thermal red-free version, published by Asahi Kasei of Japan, mainly by coating the thermal layer in the layout, it usually is hydrophilic, but the thermal exposure, the coating layer is stamped on the Department of the lipophilic, and Oil falls on the pro-stamped the ink department, red-free thermal printing plate is unique in the way of the future commercialization of whether the market remains to be seen, but if they can use is DI water machine plate machine the best version of the material, because and without shedding of debris generated. Thermal non-mainstream output (C) the level of thermal plates free. Thermal non-standard plates, most of the use of the infrared laser heat energy, so that no horizontal plate of the layer off, you can become adhesions ink stamped, the present United States and Japan Toray two main Presstek However, Presstek DI is still with the plate as much, Although technology is quite mature, but still no plate costs down, we can not have a great expansion, the formation of a special field of non-mainstream CTP plates.

CTP plates

Nowadays, CTP plates are commonly adopted by book printing companies or book printing suppliers in mostly all photo book printing jobs due to great advantages of efficiency compared with traditional pre-press workflows.
The first time at Drupa 1995 appearance on the CTP by book printing companies, the ups and downs and now has spread to gradually shift from mature. The photosensitive violet CTP in the newspaper's application to become an indisputable fact, commercial printing of thermal CTP has firmly established a foothold. Thermal CTP is widely accepted reason for its own good features and product quality are inextricably linked.

A. People in book printing companies are tired of operating in the darkroom, and thermal CTP using infrared laser to heat to imaging, the user can safely operate in the next room. B. CTP structure is now divided into three types: internal drum, external drum peaceful desktop. The main external drum thermal CTP, this structure makes the plate as the printing press on the same parcel in the drum, the membrane outward, the deformation of the network to reduce to a minimum for photo book printing jobs, and easier to handle large-format plates made of book printing suppliers. C. Photosensitive plate is very sensitive to light, exposure will occur when underexposed or overexposed, halftone halo of light appeared, and also by the interference of light inside the machine, making publication quality becomes difficult to control; and thermal plate To generate the image, must meet the initial energy threshold, higher than the initial value of the energy field will not change dot shape, is the only control the predictable result of technology, quality, easy to control, publication quality and stability. After exposure the plate may be extended to six months to develop and then, no impact on quality. D. Thermal CTP plate of the network real, clear and sharp edges, printing ink easier to achieve balance, beneficial to network control photo book printing. E. With the printing market competition, saving supplies in disguise profits for book printing suppliers. Thermal CTP plates with the real network, sharp edges, easy to dwell characteristics, compared with the conventional PS plate, with a small amount of ink will be able to achieve normal results, save the ink. The rate of anti-Indian version of the case without the roast up to 15 million to 200,000 impressions, baked up to 1 million print edition, also suitable for matte paper and UV inks. F. Thermal CTP so far is the only enables hands-free flushing plate. Although the beginning of the market, but because the plate-free wash or just wash, investment and environmental protection are very beneficial, and for existing thermal CTP devices. G. Thermal plate on the market today manufacturers than violet plate manufacturers and more There are also a production, so customers can have more selective, the price advantage. H. Thermal CTP together with advanced digital printing processes, for network expansion and deformation, so the distribution of ink can be precisely controlled. More importantly, thermal version Caineng fully applicable to the existing printing environment, good printability (including the printing press, plate cleaners, fountain solution alcohol concentration and pH, etc).

China Export Books Tax Refunding Workflows for Book Printers

In China economical system, when book printers run certain book printing companies, they have to hand over some profits to the government. For book printing suppliers, it is named as VAT tax regularly. If book printing companies are able to prepare and submit correct bills of VAT to relevent government department, these book printers can get the taxs handed over refunded back partially.
Normally, book printers or book printing suppliers are sorted General taxpayers and small-scale taxpayers.  
1. small-scale taxpayer identification range
(1) engaged in the production of goods or providing taxable services of the taxpayer, and to engage in the production of goods or providing taxable services and also engaged in wholesale or retail goods, taxpayers with annual taxable sales of 100 million or less; (2) engaged in the wholesale or retail goods, taxpayers with annual taxable sales of 180 million or less. Annual taxable sales of more than the standard small-scale taxpayers, individuals, non-enterprise units, do not often have taxable activities of enterprises, as if small-scale taxpayers pay taxes; (3) from July 1, 1998 onwards, where the annual taxable sales of 180 million the following small-scale commercial enterprises, regardless of the soundness of financial accounting, shall not be confirmed as general taxpayers, small-scale taxpayers shall be in accordance the provisions of VAT. 
Confirmation of small-scale taxpayers, tax law by the competent tax authorities in accordance with the provisions of the standards identified to book printing companies and book printing suppliers. 
2. general taxpayer identification range
(1) engaged in goods production and sales company, with annual taxable sales of more than 1 million, but if some production enterprises have annual taxable sales did not exceed 1 million, but the business accounts of a sound, accurate tax authorities tax return on time , approved by the Inland Revenue can also be confirmed as general taxpayers; (2) engaged in wholesale or retail business to have an annual taxable sales must exceed 1.8 million. 
3. value added tax general taxpayer the basic difference between small-scale taxpayers
(1) value added tax general taxpayer selling goods or providing taxable services to taxable sales based on tax rates (13%, 17%) of added output tax, input tax on the amount obtained from the amount of output tax allowed by law arrived deduction, in accordance with the balance paid after the deductible. In addition to the tax law other than the general taxpayer, eligible for the invoice with the VAT; (2) small-scale taxpayers selling goods or providing taxable services, the levy rate based on taxable sales (4%, 6%) of VAT, and not deductible input tax. Small-scale taxpayers do not have VAT invoices issued qualification, as a result of business needs to be to issue VAT invoices shall be submitted to the competent tax authority (tax) for generation of open invoice

Genuine leather, artificial leather and bond leather

Genuine leather, artificial leather and bond leather can be used several ways to distinguish between the following:
(1). First, from the leather patterns, pores, etc. to identify, in a natural leather surface pattern can be seen, pores, and distribution, the opposite has motor fibers, side cross-section level, obviously, the lower animals fiber, will appear with a fingernail scraping swab leather fibers erect, with raising the feeling of a small amount of fiber can also be dropped off; leather negative to see fabric, synthetic leather, like the side of it and no animal fiber, the general surface without pores, but some are man-made leather pores, will be There are obvious pores exist, the pattern is not obvious, or have more regular artificial pattern, the pores are fairly consistent; recycled leather although there are animal fibers, but they are shorter broken fiber, the surface is not the natural pattern and pores(2). Flexible leather handle, leather face down the 900 or so there will be natural fold, respectively, in different parts of the bend, the resulting thickness of folds, number, obviously uneven, which can be determined that the leather, because leather has a natural sexual fibrous structure. Artificial, the synthetic leather feels like plastic, response is poor, the thickness of folds to bend down, how many are similar.(3). Genuine leather coat with an very strong flavor, even after the schistosity, the taste is more obvious; and artificial leather, synthetic leather products, there are stocks of plastic taste, no taste of fur.(4). Take a little sample burned, the main focus is to sniff and smell the ashes to see the state. Plastic flavor, burnt sticky after cooling will harden into a block.(5). Genuine leather is generally not with the ambient temperature changes feel hard and soft changes. Artificial leather, synthetic leather in the refrigerator freezer temperatures feel stiff, it appears under the light spread soft baking.

distinguish different book binding leather materials

It is very important for book printers to distinguish different book binding leather materials. The sales and estimator in book printing companies should take the responsibility of learning more about these materials. Here we would like to introduce bond leather and artificial leather, so book printers could have a general idea or find for their reference.
Bond Leather is the leather fibers, cross-linked fibers, resins and other additives mixed for book printing companies. The process as: the leather or of composition leather raw material crushed into a certain size of skin fibers, and then with natural rubber, resins and other raw materials, mixing, will be compressed into a cake; the cake heat to the surface fiber melt with viscosity, the layers of extrusion, bonding, dehydration molding, dry, sliced, embossing and surface treatment to get the final product. Regeneration of both leather and PU leather characteristics, is now very common leather, sofa fabric. Like with leather, recycled leather with moisture, air permeability, good work also has a leather like softness, elasticity, texture, light, resistant to extreme high and low temperature and strong, wear-resistant for book printers. The downside is that the same intensity difference in the thickness of the leather, recycled leather production process as more flexible, real-time adjustments, so by increasing the amount of natural latex, formula change process, can also make a variety of different hardness, different intensity products to compensate for book printing companies deficiencies. The late finish and PU is similar in texture and color on the surface is regenerated leather color not only renovated, new product after another through. More importantly, she was very competitive prices, only one-tenth of leather, PU three times, great value, cost-effective. Called Bonded Leather or foreign Reborn Leather. B is a PVC artificial leather, polyurethane and other resins for the paint, cloth, woolen cloth for the base material made of, the general gas-tight, but with the scientific and technological progress, leather technology matures, product quality greatly improved, especially In the simulation of leather, it can be taken as real, its permeability, softness, feel and appearance, and many other aspects are similar to natural leather. Synthetic leather surface is mainly polyurethane resin, in the material is polyester, cotton, polypropylene and other synthetic fiber manufacturing non-woven, with some ventilation, but not as good as sports leather.


love for your book is blind

Love is blind, and your love for your book is blind and deaf and numbs your senses, starting with your common sense. You read that contract and your brain realizes that your future publisher can’t spell (which can’t be a good sign), but your heart refuses to acknowledge it; you skip the payment clauses because you know that there will be no real money there, but what really matters to you is to get the book published, even if it means ignoring all the good advice that you have found posted on Writer Beware and all over the web.

This is the time to sit down and consider all the good reasons for turning that contract down. I’ve been there and done that, so I know it isn’t easy, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do (and a woman too). Here are ten tips to help you through it:

1. When that letter comes in, don’t start calling everybody to brag about it. Don’t tweet it; leave your Facebook status alone. Make extra sure that it is the real thing before you tell the world.

2. Make sure that you have not been offered a vanity publishing contract. If that’s what it is you must simply trash it and stop thinking about it. It doesn't deserve any of your time and emotions. It’s spam and should be treated like it.

3. Be optimistic, but...a pessimist is an experienced optimist, and experience shows that bad contracts float around in droves, so yours may turn out to be one of those. Start your review of the contract with a low level of expectation.

4. Check out the expected publication date. If the contract speaks of publication in one or two years, take time to consider your options; what’s the rush anyway?

5. Now that you have calmed down and realize that not all that glitters may be gold, do yourself a favor and analyze the contract taking advantage of the many useful resources available on the web, for instance, here.

6. Take advice from others. Writing can be a very solitary endeavor, but if you’ve been at it for a while and have developed relationships with other authors, listen to what they have to say about the publisher, a clause that you find jarring and anything else that you may want to ask them.

7. It is not uncommon for new authors to submit to numerous publishers taken from lists found on the web, which may be old and outdated, or simply not based on much insight into the business of those listed. If you haven’t researched this particular publisher really thoroughly before submitting, now is the time to do it. If you find off-putting references to it on the web it may make your decision to turn the contract down much easier.

8. Think positively. Notwithstanding the bad contract, the publisher in most cases is not a scammer and he really liked your work, which means that your novel is worthy and perhaps you can place it with a better publisher, who will offer you a reasonable contract.

9. Realize that this is not a failure — it’s your decision. You and you alone have the power over the fate of your work. Just like you wouldn’t send your kid to a bad school because it is a couple of blocks closer to your home, you are not sending your brain child to a bad publisher simply because he’s the first one who sent you a contract.

10. Remind yourself that each battle of wills between your brain and your heart is a big stop on the learning curve of the writing business. You will emerge from it a better and stronger author.

But then, you may worry, what happens if this is the only contract offer I’ll ever get? Won't I feel as if I have wasted my only chance?

Heck, no! If you believe in your work you know that other, better opportunities will come along. And if you don't believe in it, what’s the purpose of publishing it anyway?

Jerry Jenkins Visits Tate Publishing

Jerry Jenkins Visits Tate Publishing

Good evening,

Today was a wonderful day at Tate Publishing. Jerry Jenkins the author of the "Left Behind" series (fyi he sold over 63,000,000 copies) and the owner of the Christian Writers Guild was here. We have spent the last two days with Jerry and his wonderful wife. Jerry, like Tate Publishing has committed his life to helping mold authors and the next generation of Christian writers. 
At Tate Publishing we continue to provide the best options we possibly can for authors to succeed. We pride ourselves in striving to be the best and deliver what others can't. There is so much negativity and hate being spewed in the world, it is hard to see through it, but God is in control and he will direct our paths and victory certainly rests with him. Stay focused and don't let anything get you off track, let's change the world one book at a time.

That you for visiting Tate Publishing

That you for visiting Tate Publishing and there is so much happening right now it is hard to keep up! First, please make sure to check out our latest New York Times Bestseller, "Memoir of a Milk Carton Kid". Tanya and Lawrence have delivered a bestseller that is incredibly well written, this is easily one of the most powerful stories of loss and hope I have ever read. Tanya and Lawrence have appeared on Inside Edition, Dr. Phil Show, and we recently were contacted and told that a future People Magazine article is in the works!

In addition, many of you have noticed and commented our our new website we launched a couple of months ago. Thank you for all your comments and we are glad you like the new look and feel. We are so privileged to work with some of the best authors in the world and I want to encourage each of you to continue to deliver great books that change our world for the better. I can't help but think about how much our society is in need of authors to deliver great content to this generation. Nothing has changed our society more than books! From the Bible to history text books, to great fiction works that challenge us to dream big dreams, if you want to change the world - write a book!

Impact Magazine&Tate Publishing

Recently we were honored to be asked to have a profile in a local magazine that one of the ministries we support puts out quarterly.  The magazine is Impact OKC and is from Youth For Christ.  They feature businesses in our state that have a passion for building the Kingdom and reaching others for Christ.  As many of you know at Tate Publishing we not only the industry leader for authors in publishing, marketing, distribution and publicity, but we have had a desire from day one to make this world a better place and reach lives with God's Word.  As we are approaching Thanksgiving I can't help but think of how grateful we are for what God has blessed us with and allows us to do each day.  Serving authors is for us - a life changing and world altering call.  Each author and every book is an opportunity to see our world changed one reader at a time.  From all of us at Tate Publishing and our family we would like to thank each of you for supporting us, helping us build the Kingdom and choosing us to deliver your books to the world.    We are truly blessed and have been in such need for our Lord's saving grace, that my family and I simply can't see running a business or living our lives in any way other than to deliver what our competitors can't and take God's Word to the World.  We are praying that your Thanksgiving will be one blessed beyond measure and as always if you ever need anything don't hesitate to contact us at anytime.  Here is a link to the magazine article, hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


China Export Books Tax Refunding Workflows for Book Printers

4. value-added tax general taxpayer
(1) 17% basic tax rate for taxable services, the vast majority of sales or import of goods; (2) 13% of the low tax rate, including 1 grain, edible vegetable oil; (3) Heating, air conditioning, heat, gas, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, biogas and coal products for household use; 3 books, newspapers, magazines; 4 feed , fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery (machine), plastic sheeting; 5 State Council and other goods, such as agricultural products (referring to a variety of animal and plant primary products), metal mining products (referring to the colored and black ore mining, ore and coal), non-metallic mining products. Small class or a specific product to access the tax department of the tariff lines. 
5 small-scale taxpayers, tax rate: 4% commercial enterprises, industrial enterprises, 6%. 
6. Tax liability is calculated
(1) the general taxpayer
The amount of tax payable = Output tax - Input tax
(2) small-scale taxpayers
Tax payable = taxable sales/(1 + tax rate) x tax rate 
7. VAT invoices and the difference between an ordinary invoice
(1) VAT invoices generally only used by the Purchasing VAT general taxpayer, the taxpayer need to use small-scale, and only after approval by the tax authorities by the local tax authorities on behalf of the open; Ordinary invoices can be handled by the business activities and tax registration of the use of taxpayer Purchasing, did not apply for tax registration of the tax authorities for Purchasing taxpayers can use ordinary invoices.
(2) In addition to VAT invoices to purchase units and sales units, name of goods or services, goods or services the number and unit of measure, unit price and the price, billing unit, payee, invoice billing date with the contents of the ordinary, but alsoincluding the taxpayer tax registration number, excluding VAT amount for tax, VAT payable and other content; The invoice is not on general aspects of VAT.
(3) VAT invoices are four basic joint meeting, the first joint for the stub (for retained for future reference), the second one for the invoice (for buyers account), the third joint for the deduction (for the purchase of side of the tax certificate), the fourth joint to joint account (account for the seller); Ordinary invoices only triple, the first joint of stub, the second one for the invoice, accounting together for the third joint.
(4) VAT invoices both buying and selling is not only the collection and payment of vouchers, but also as the purchaser deduct the VAT certificate. 
8. general taxpayer billing and collection tickets
(1) General taxpayers selling goods invoice, whether it is open invoices or ordinary invoices have to apply 17% or 13% of the VAT rate; if the buyer is a small-scale taxpayers shall be open regular invoices; the other hand, is dedicated to openinvoice; (2) the general taxpayer to obtain a copy of invoices for purchases of goods can be deducted. If the seller is a small-scale taxpayers, small-scale taxpayers shall be invited to apply for the tax authorities on behalf of open invoices, the VAT rate applicable to ordinary tax invoice, that is 4% or 6%, but output tax is due 17% or 13% according to the calculation, then there will be 13%, 12% or 9%, 7% of the losses, if the seller can price to offset the loss of this part, the general taxpayer is also possible.
9. small-scale taxpayers billing and ticket collector
(1) small-scale taxpayers selling goods invoice, the invoice issued ordinary general; if the other is the general taxpayer, the tax authorities in charge shall apply on behalf of the open invoices; (2) purchase of goods generally small-scale taxpayers will receive regular invoices, invoices directly if you receive an invoice in full accordance with the ordinary can be accounted for.

Since November 1, 2008, certain publications and paper stationery export tax rebate rate increase
1. paper stationery, in the Customs commodity code Chapter 48, 4820100000 - 4821900000, mostly paper stationery, before the export tax rebate of 5%, 7%, now increased to 11% uniform.
2. publications in the Customs commodity code Chapter 49, 49011000 - 49040000, 49059100, 49059900, mostly for publication, before the tax rate of 11%, 13%, and now unified to 13%.