
Jerry Jenkins Visits Tate Publishing

Jerry Jenkins Visits Tate Publishing

Good evening,

Today was a wonderful day at Tate Publishing. Jerry Jenkins the author of the "Left Behind" series (fyi he sold over 63,000,000 copies) and the owner of the Christian Writers Guild was here. We have spent the last two days with Jerry and his wonderful wife. Jerry, like Tate Publishing has committed his life to helping mold authors and the next generation of Christian writers. 
At Tate Publishing we continue to provide the best options we possibly can for authors to succeed. We pride ourselves in striving to be the best and deliver what others can't. There is so much negativity and hate being spewed in the world, it is hard to see through it, but God is in control and he will direct our paths and victory certainly rests with him. Stay focused and don't let anything get you off track, let's change the world one book at a time.

